Wednesday, January 27, 2010

10 Weeks

How far along? 10 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Down 11 lbs. from pre-pregnancy/Down 2 lbs. from last week.
Maternity clothes? Still utilizing the B-band. A lil bump is there and noticable, but noticeable as chub.
Sleep: When I feel okay before bed, I tend to sleep better, but wake up earlier.
Best moment this week: A stranger asked me when I was due!!
Symptoms: Morning sickness is back.
Movement: I thought I felt something but I am sure it is just gas.

Belly Button: Still a cave. Piercing is beginning to get uncomfortable.
Attitude: Happy that we know all is well from the Doctors appointment, and looking forward to going again next week.
Food cravings: Cereal, cadbury eggs, and Baja Fresh
Food aversions:
Still not liking the entire fridge area..and the coffee my husband makes 700 times a day - eww
Gender: Still thinking boy, Bug and his mom say Girl
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Feeling good in general
What I am looking forward to: Seeing how much Munckie grew from one ultra sound to the other.
Weekly Wisdom: No matter how sick you are, eat anyway. It always makes me feel better.
Milestones: Saw Munckie, saw a heartbeat and saw brain activity - amazing!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Visit

Today was our first appointment. It was a Nurse's Meet and Greet, as they called it. We went in expecting paperwork and getting to know you's. We got that, plus we saw the Munckie.

This is my first time ever having a pregnancy visit. I am absolutely clueless. The nurse took me into the office and acted like I was old hat at all of this. I go into the bathroom, pee in a cup (p.s.-which I am horrible at) and bring it out with me. Apparently this is incorrect, the pee pee cup has to go through this little door. Fail numero uno.

We went into the room and sat there while our nurse paced the halls for literally 10 minutes. In correlation with the issues I had last Saturday, I was convinced she was thinking of a way to tell me that we are not pregnant anymore. Well, still pregnant but I got scolded for not drinking enough water. Fail.

Nurse asked all sorts of question and gave us plenty of advice. We got a bag full of goodies, a planner, PNV's, and heat patches for my back pain - Yay!

Then we went to the ultra sound room.

She found the baby quickly and we saw our little Munckie moving it's head and hanging out. Most important; we saw the heartbeat.

After that I had too much blood drawn and was sent home, told to return in 2 weeks. That appointment will be a visit with the doctor. We can't wait. Just happy everything is good in there!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

9 Weeks

How far along? 9 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Down 9 lbs. from pre-pregnancy/Down 1 lb. from last week.
Maternity clothes? Still utilizing the B-band. A lil bump is there but it just looks like fat.
Sleep: Still waking up every hour or so to go back to my left side which I find the most comfortable.
Best moment this week: Being able to hold down a meal!
Symptoms: Morning sickness is slowly subsiding ::knocks on wood::. Now, the fatigue, gas and increased appetite are the culprits!
Movement: No movement..can't wait though!

Belly Button: Still a cave. Piercing is beginning to get uncomfortable.
Attitude: So excited to head to my doctors appointment and meet our little Munckie! Happier now that the M/S is almost under control.
Food cravings: Oranges, clementines and the salsa bar at a mexican restaurant that is 900 miles away.
Food aversions:
The general refrigerator region
Gender: Still thinking boy, Bug and his mom say Girl
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Kickboxing
What I am looking forward to: Seeing Munckie later today!
Weekly Wisdom: No matter how sick you are, the thought of seeing the lil bean for the first time makes you feel great!
Milestones: All limbs, fingers, and toes are developed!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Someone wanted to know why we called the LO Munckie and why we spell it this way instead of "Monkey".

My answer is pathetically silly. "The Big Bang Theory". Not the actual scientific theory but the television show. I have a minor obsession with Sheldon. I think he is one of the most entertaining actors in a sitcom since Joey Tribbiani. He takes everything too seriously, works too often and this leads to hilarious conversations with his peers.

One night while watching, Sheldon referred to someone has a Homunculus. He goes on to explain that a Homunculus is "a perfect little person". Well, we took that and shortened it to Munckie - our perfect little person, who we love so much, even though we cannot see them.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Don't Want to Jinx It

Today is the first day I feel almost human in about 2 weeks. It got to the point where I could not get off of the couch because any movement at all would send me straight to the bathroom.

This morning, I woke up around 7. I knew that as soon as I lifted my chubby ass out of bed, I was going to get sick. Thankfully, I fell back asleep around 8. When I woke up around 10, I felt pretty good. I EVEN KEPT DOWN BREAKFAST!!!!! So exciting.

It is now mid-afternoon and I feel *ok*. That is miraculous in my book. I even had a salty craving! Ohh, I hope this lasts and the morning sickness is gone for a while. I am so done with spending most of the day in the bathroom.

It is all totally worth it in the end but I would love to enjoy my pregnancy instead of dreading getting up in the morning!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

8 Weeks

How far along? 8 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Down 8 lbs. from pre-pregnancy
Maternity clothes? Still utilizing the B-band. A lil bump is there but it just looks like fat.
Sleep: I have been tossing and turning a lot. If I wind up on my stomach, I wake up nauseated. Laying on one side for too long, that side will go numb. So glamorous!
Best moment this week: Being able to exercise a little.
Symptoms: Morning sickness!! I have begun to feel faint when I have hot flashes.
Food comes up and out..that is still the only movement
Belly Button: Still a cave and still pierced. BUT, I found the preggie belly rings 1/2 off on a website!
Attitude: Positive attitude, just a little mopey cuz I am sick as Hell
Food cravings: The only thing I can hold down are Yoplait Whips.
Food aversions:
The general refrigerator region
Gender: Still thinking boy, my sister says girl
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Working out 4 times a week & eating
What I am looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat next week and possibly getting a Rx for nausea
Weekly Wisdom: This is all happening for a reason and will lead to a wonderful result.
Milestones: The baby is flipping around in there, even though I can't feel it yet.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Let us add to the list

Things I can no longer tolerate now that I am pregnant, and why I am down 7 lbs. from when I first got KU:

Chocolate Cake!!
Orange Juice
Anything with tomato
Chicken Parm
Chicken that is attached to a bone
Chocolate Pop tarts
Anything with red wine vinegar
Cheddar cheese
Mashed potatoes
Chocolate chip cookies
Vegetable cream cheese (I know!)

and just about anything in my refrigerator currently because I can't stand the stench. In addition, I cannot feed my dog because the smell of his food pisses the baby off.

I am hoping not to add too much more to the I am running out of things to eat!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Oh, Sweet Junkfood!

When I found out I was pregnant, I completely changed the way I was eating. I filled the house with fruit, veggies, and whole grains. & even though I was eating quite a bit, and pretty frequently, at least it was healthy, right?

--Still going on? Not so much--

Since the morning sickness has kicked in full force, I have not been able to hold much down. Then, I discovered how good french fries make me feel. Heavenlyyyyy!

Since I have been getting sick at night, it is mainly the dinner that I have been "tweaking". The last three days I have managed to keep dinner down. What am I eating? Let's see. Thursday night I had french fries. Last night I had a chicken sandwich and - french fries. Tonight, Mac wrap from Mc'd's. and yep - french fries. They are so good, but I know hold no nutritional value and therefore, I think that makes me a bad mommy.

It is hard to help it.. I tried broccoli and lean meats but good Lord did they come back up quickly.

Hoping that the morning sickness goes away soon so that I can once again make nutritionally sound decisions for me and my Munckie!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

7 Weeks

Pocket O' Pudge

How far along?
7 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 1 lb. total/Down 2 lbs. from last week - Morning sickness
Maternity clothes? Officially wearing the Be-Band with jeans
Sleep: Insomnia is pretty much gone. I even slept till 11 one morning.
Best moment this week: Whichever day I did NOT throw up.
Symptoms: Morning sickness to the extreme!!! Not terribly tired because I rarely leave the couch. Dizziness sets in at times as well.
Food comes up and out..that is the only movement
Belly Button: Still a cave and still pierced.
Attitude: Positive attitude, just a little mopey cuz I am sick as Hell
Food cravings: I want nothing to do with food.
Food aversions:
Just about everything, but especially..ugh, everything
Gender: Still saying boy
Labor Signs: No
What I miss: Uhh..Eating
What I am looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat, and food that I can keep down
Weekly Wisdom: This week, whatever you put in your mouth, expect to see again.
Milestones: Well, I was scared about my lack of symptoms..look what I wished upon myself.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Apprecaited Sense of Humor

While I am green in the face, running to the bathroom frequently , and barely eating, Bug always tries to make me feel better.

He brings me saltines, runs to the store for anything I think I may remotely be able to hold down, and has done all the housework for more than a week. While this is all amazing, it is his sense of humor that always makes me feel best.

Today he decided that I am nauseated because the baby has its own "Wii" in utero and therefore is bouncin all around. "Probably playing tennis if I would have to guess." says Bug. Thank you God, for an amazingly sensitive and silly hubby!

Vegetable Cream Cheese

I love you! For you are one of the few that does not send me to the porcelain bowl while all of my insides are screaming.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

On to the next level

Last night, the morning sickness went to a whole new level.

Lately, the extreme hunger and morning sickness have been battling it out. I get insanely hungry, eat like a ravaged beast, and then am ridiculously uncomfortable and hate life. The morning sickness kicks in and then I want nothing to do with what I have ALREADY put in my body. I have slowly learned that if I eat slower, I can satisfy my crazed hunger and I will not get so full, thus, keeping the sickness at bay.

Last night I made Bug his Birthday Dinner. Chicken parm, complete with pasta, garlic bread and a salad. I had one piece of chicken, a small amount of pasta, one piece of garlic bread and did not touch my salad. I was able to eat all that and still be comfortable. I felt that I mastered the hunger/morning sickness and found a solution.

An hour later it alllll came back up. It is pretty much the first time I have really gotten sick. I have felt terrible nausea for about a week now, but this is the first time I have actually been greeted by it.

I am not sure why it happened. Maybe because I had eaten less, I had less in my stomach and it got aggravated... ahhh to find a happy medium. I am really over the morning sickness.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Eve's in Review

New Year's Eve - 2006

I had bronchitis and was also getting over the flu. Regardless, I got silly drunk with my BF (now DH) and a group of friends. We played beer pong in our basement, ate all of the left over food in the house, as we had ridiculous munchies, and did not go to bed till around 7 A.M.. We got up at 9 A.M. because we were hopping on a plane along with his family to go to Disney for the week. Hungover + no sleep = Cranky Bitch Anastasia

New Year's Eve - 2007

Now engaged, my fiance, three of our friends, and myself went out to dinner at an all you can eat sushi bar. We. Took. Advantage! When we got home, we went into the basement and played "Civil War" beer pong. If you have never played, ask me for the rules. It is a sick game and way more intense than regular pong. Later more friends and neighbors came over and we all watched the ball drop together. We stayed up till about 3 A.M. and partied pretty hard.

New Year's Eve - 2008

Still engaged, my fiance, sister and I went to the same restaurant for all you can eat sushi. Again, stuffed myself to beyond capacity. We went to a friend's home after dinner. We played rock band, had entirely too many shots and rang in the New Year all together. Got home around 4, and went to sleep around 5 A.M.. The hangover was immense and I swore I would never drink again.

New Year's Eve - 2009

My first married and knocked up New Year's. Since we have moved, we no longer have Red Ginger for all-you-can-eat sushi. My wonderful husband found a great sushi place. I can only eat the cooked stuff so my menu was limited but I still managed to stuff myself silly. The restaurant was great. Not a chain so it had a very homey feeling. We met the owner and he was hysterical. At one point he came over to us and said to Bug, "You look full, want me to burp you?". I almost projected my nirvana roll all over the table. At around 9 P.M. we headed home. Yes, I went to bed at 9 on New Year's. Egh..Bug was not having that so he grabbed me and dragged me downstairs. Somehow, utilizing toothpicks and crazy glue, I kept my eyes open. For the first time in my life, I could not wait for the ball to drop. After Dick Clark's very sweet, yet screwed up countdown and a very sexy Happy New Year's kiss, we went to bed. I was in bed at 12:07 A.M.. I felt pretty pathetic but apparently this baby has an "Early to bed, early to rise attitude". While I do not agree, all of this is well worth it.

Happy New Year!