Last night, the morning sickness went to a whole new level.
Lately, the extreme hunger and morning sickness have been battling it out. I get insanely hungry, eat like a ravaged beast, and then am ridiculously uncomfortable and hate life. The morning sickness kicks in and then I want nothing to do with what I have ALREADY put in my body. I have slowly learned that if I eat slower, I can satisfy my crazed hunger and I will not get so full, thus, keeping the sickness at bay.
Last night I made Bug his Birthday Dinner. Chicken parm, complete with pasta, garlic bread and a salad. I had one piece of chicken, a small amount of pasta, one piece of garlic bread and did not touch my salad. I was able to eat all that and still be comfortable. I felt that I mastered the hunger/morning sickness and found a solution.
An hour later it alllll came back up. It is pretty much the first time I have really gotten sick. I have felt terrible nausea for about a week now, but this is the first time I have actually been greeted by it.
I am not sure why it happened. Maybe because I had eaten less, I had less in my stomach and it got aggravated... ahhh to find a happy medium. I am really over the morning sickness.
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